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Sundrean last won the day on November 27 2019

Sundrean had the most liked content!

About Sundrean

  • Birthday 01/30/2021

Personal Information

  • Discord
    Sundrean #0267
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Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. i wanna buy this. Dm me when you are free to trade Discord: Sundrean #0267
  2. Requirements. 28+speed 28+spatk Nature: timid Ability:lightning road is priority. My budget is 1.2m can go upto 1.5m if good enough. I will pay half POKEDOLLAR and half iv reroll.
  3. Is manetric#2 price is negotiable?
  4. I will buy breloom in 100k. Discord: sundrean #0267
  5. Wtb this Discord: sundrean #0267
  6. I wanna buy 450k diggersby..
  7. PAYMENT METHODS IV REROLL 750K NATURE REROLL / CC 370K RC:8K POKEDOLLAR •Fake offers will be reported • PRICES ARE NEGOTIABLE DISCORD: Sundrean #0267 ign: Sundrean 400k 300k 500k h.p: ICE 100k 800k 300k 1m 500k H.P ICE
  8. Auction will end after 24 hours of first bid.. Starting bid: 200k Min raise: 50k Insta: 600k _____________________________ PAYMENT METHODS 1.Pokedollars 2.rare candies : 7.5k each 3. Nature reroll / cc : 370k 4.iv rr / ability capsule : 750k
  9. Thnx i got it back
  10. hii, I accidentally deleted my landorus today while checking pc. I visited boss nicola but he kept saying you got no use of me by fighting now. I didnt fight him in a year and my weekly boss limits are not hit yet. I dont how to restore it didn't have ss or accurate id of landorus. Poke info: Landorus not therian form Lvl: probably 75 because didn't used it Sand force ability and nature was neutral.
  11. Bold cofagrigus with 31 def and 31 spatk. One of the best trick room sweeper. Offer serious price.
  12. Start bid: 250k Max bid:1.5m Insta : 2m Time duration: 24 hours after first bid Payment:pokedollars or c.c(380k) DM me: in game sundrean DISCORD: @Sundrean
  13. Same issue having with my client .
  14. Thanks very much. For guiding
  15. I wanted to buy a surf mount or a jet ski, but a bit confused which is faster. Or all have same speed. Is there any surf mount or shiny surf mount which is fastest. Plss solve my this doubt
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