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Everything posted by Lalit

  1. Hi team revolution.I think many players suggested that to you and i also wnt to suggest.Please increse map.And please reply about that fastly.
  2. ❦ Please indicate your In-Game Name, Discord Tag and Server in your submissions! ❦ Example! Credits to Fluffles for the Scary Story Template (miss you) NAME:Lalit DISCORD TAG:Lalit#3572 Server:GOLD STORY HAUNTED FUN Once upon a time in somewhere in Kanto region.A group of 4 childrens decide to camp because they were about to got there starter next day.They want to enjoy and decide that camp.The 4 friends were John,Kell,Jene,Ron.Ron is adventurous so he say them to camp in deep jungle.No one is able to say yes but seeing his friend's courage all they accept.That night the moon is full all were exieted for next day.They were all planing about their journies.They disided to travel alonely.After eating food Ron takes all his friends to a walk in jungle.All was scared.They saw a ninetales near.They followed the ninetales the ninetales ran in a bunglow.The friends like pokemons or ninetale is a rare pokemon for their village.When they entered the bunglow the dors Suddendly locked.Then the ninetales disappears.The village was nearby but no one is hearing the voice of childrens.Then a pin flies on air and it start rotating and stops on kelle then some bones from a room comes and written on air I KILL YOU.Kelly scared seeing that and ran away in a room he saw the room looking like a bathroom ,a washbasin was there.All his friends say Kelly to come out but he wont open the door then his friends hit the door troying to open the door.They hit the door and Kelly killed because when they hit door Kelly's head was inside the tap of wasbasin due to force to open door and he died.Then the pin again started to fly and rotated.Ponting toward John.John cried and requested to leave him and the pin again started fly and rotated now the pin pointed to Jane .Jane scared he also ran to bathroom.And closed door.He stand at safer place at bathroom.Then Ron again tried to open the door.His friend John was also there.Suddenly the hand of Ron slips from door and hits John and John's head hits a cylinder's nozzel was openened.He called his friend Jane but hearing noise of cylinder leaking Jane opened door and pushed Ron from window and the cylinder blasts.BOOM!!!!!.Jane also died.Now Ronfalls from window.He ran there were some villagers they are talking about the fire on bunglow.Ron called them but no one heared him.Then Ron went to a villager and pushed him but the hand of Ron goes out from villager.Ron turn he goes to that bunglow he saw a Gangar in top of bunglow.He sees his dead body haged in tree branch.The Gangar show some images in brain of Ron's soul.Ron's soul see that when he falls he turns and the body was cut by tree branch and his soul falls.Then the Gangar started eating dead boys and their souls.Then Ron knows about the haunted story of the bunglow.This bunglow was of a trainer and his haunter but the villager killed the trainer because he choose his Gangar as starter and villager thought Gangar a cursed pokemon.After death of the trainer of Gengar.The trainer's soul merged with his Gangar to take revenge from villagers. THE END!!!
  3. Plz help me I am not able to understand new world quest?
  4. What is your ign? Lalit What is your favriout pokemon? Pikachu What is your age? 14 Which is your country? India Are you using discord? I have a id on discord but presently not using What is your birth date? 4 June 2005 How much hours you played? 87hrs
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