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About Sickkitten

  • Birthday 02/18/1991

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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Re: I logged back in after a crash and was at the Elite 4? New feature or rollback? <t>pretty sure it's not a new feature, just taking you back to where you previously were before the crash, my guess is the data from the battle timed out in the middle of it due to the crash. ;o</t>
  2. it is either an issue with your connection, but i am pretty sure it would give you a message saying that it's a connection problem on your end, & if such a thing doesn't exist then i think it's something that should be added so questions like these could be easily figured out before having to be asked. but the reason you're experiencing this is most likely due to the fact that the game is still in beta, & due to that the server is expected to experience crashes. ;o your best option is to just be patience & try again later ~
  3. I don't mean to burst your bubble, but I believe that's a Vodka Bottle. Looks like Smirnoff. Nooooo, it's just a bottle of Orange sparkling water x:
  4. you guys seem cute, just wanted to say. ~
  5. sounds good, b.c such a feature would be incredibly useful!
  6. i can see it in my profile, but i don't see it within anybody else's (including yours) nor do i see anything where i can add to somebody's reputation either. actually why i went ahead & suggested this in the first place lol!
  7. bump 4 brilliant suggestion ~
  8. were you disconnected from the game at all prior to just logging in & seeing this? b.c sometimes it will say that you are already logged in after being disconnected but that is due the game not registering yet that you aren't still connected. ;o edit: apparently you aren't the only one experiencing this, my guess is that the server crashed (not 100% sure i haven't been playing today) & it hasn't logged you out yet upon disconnection just be patient i am sure your account is fine!
  9. Sickkitten

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Bollywood Edition <r><QUOTE author="FayDZet"><s> </e></QUOTE> you have to write me beautiful melodies</r>
  10. implementing a vs seeker would be pretty nice ~ just give it a cool down so it can be exploited ;o
  11. it is based entirely on random chance, spawn rates are determined by the RNG ~ for example a shiny is 1/8172 (roughly, idr the exact number but it's along those lines) but even if you went through 8172 of the same pokemon you aren't guaranteed a shiny, but it also works that you can find a shiny after going through 999999999 pokemon, & by chance find another shiny directly after. the same applies to all pokemon & their chance percentage of spawning.
  12. what about cowboy bebop doe
  13. Sickkitten

    Re: Mt. Goon

    Re: Mt. Goon: Bollywood Edition <t>bollywood? everyone should watch slumdog millionaire, it is a phenomenal movie ;o</t>
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