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Everything posted by Bashfluff

  1. Nevermind, sorry!
  2. #1: Bashfluff #2: 23 #3: Like, 7 or 8? I don't have a job and I have no real responsibilities, so it's this or a Phantasy Star Online server. Pokemon is just better. #4: Yes and yes. #5: Hmm. Was going to do breeding until I realized there wasn't any breeding on this server. Um. I don't really hunt Pokemon. Can you put me down for trying to catch a Chansey for 7 hours before not realizing it would knock itself out with recoil after I False Swipe'd it? That's about the only remarkable thing I've done. #6: I'm on a lot? I have a level 84 Staryu that can almost beat Giovanni. I dunno, job interviews are enough without having to do one for a Pokemon MMO fangame guild. I'm here to have fun. If you like having fun people around, that's a perk. #7: Nope. I mean, for some guilds, maybe, but I don't see what's in it for you if I'm good at PvP or not.
  3. It seems as though the Wiki is down! What's going on?
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