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  1. Hello, yesterday I finished training my clefable but I forgot to teach it Moonblast when it was clefairy. Could you please teach it for me?
  2. About 7:30 PM I was on Route 111 Desert and when my Axew hit lvl 62, evolution window showed to me and my game has crashed few seconds later. I logged in like a moment ago and my Axew has evolved without my permission.. Can you undo my evolution? I didn't want to evolve him that early.
  3. my main account name is Madziaaa
  4. i bought. i did it on my main acc
  5. week ago i bought squirtle from another player, then trained him to lvl 70 and today i wanted to evolve him but he weren't in my party. i was looking for him in my pc but he weren't there too. can someone help me? i can't beat gym ;-;
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