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Everything posted by Zorothezoroark

  1. Went to update the game and the patcher failed to update. So sending this error for inspection and send me information on a solution. I need to get back in! patcherError.txt
  2. I cannot find a way to get back to Evergreen shores I check everywhere and their dead ends
  3. At 9 am in the morning, I went and battle Chris, right when he had 3 mons left, the server crash. After a few minutes I went back it counted as a loss. Can you help me?
  4. You guys done the Johto starters as costumes, so I have a request, make a Zoroark costume.
  5. I am here to join Team Plasma.
  6. Name Change username: treydude20 New username: ZorotheZoroark Server to change the name from: Silver
  7. Name Change treydude20 Change into: ZorotheZoroark Server: Silver
  8. I'm now on my journey to the Hoenn Region but is there a Magikarp seller? I need the Balance badge to fish for one.
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