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Flarev's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. NAME CHANGE Current Name: Flarev Requested Name: Feia Server to withdraw money from: Gold
  2. I've accumulated too many trained pokemon, and at this point, selling them ingame is a hassle. This shop only contains fully trained pokemon that are pvp or pve viable, but for one reason or another just aren't selling fast enough. I've put fairly steep discounts on all of them, so the prices are non negotiable. I need to emphasize that this is a temporary shop, and as such, I will be taking it down in a few days whether the pokemon sell or not. Thank you. I hope you find something you like. Contact Information Discord: Flare#8947 IGN: Flarev Feel free to message me on the forums or reply to the thread, but bear in mind that I don't check them very often. Discord's the best bet. Acceptable Trades Coin Capsules: 250k Rare Candies: 5k Other Pokemon: Don't even try it buster [spoiler=Bisharp] 400k [spoiler=Conkeldurr] SOLD [spoiler=Delphox] 250k [spoiler=Garchomp] 300k [spoiler=Gengar] 300k [spoiler=Gyarados] SOLD [spoiler=Kingdra] 200k
  3. unfortunately it doesn't. Thanks for the suggestion tho. More helpful than the mods have been.
  4. Good question. It typically varies between trainers, as we all have different schedules. It’s definitely a good idea to set an amount of time with the trainer that contacts you!
  5. I'm trying to donate for coins, and the website isn't recognizing my username. Whenever I click the paypal link, a red message appears saying "invalid username" I was told to say that I'm not the only user experiencing this issue. Also, I need coins for an event I'm doing in a guild, so if there is no easy fix, I'd appreciate it if you can give me the paypal link and add the coins to my account.
  6. Whenever I try to use draining kiss, it doesn’t add any hp to my Pokémon. Sorry for bad quality images, my computer’s weird about screenshots. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557753956022091786/557754375020347402/image0.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557753956022091786/557754374265503754/image1.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557753956022091786/557754368435290173/image0.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557753956022091786/557754368145883152/image0.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/557753956022091786/557754367206227968/image0.jpg
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