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Everything posted by Hydroin

  1. Re: ♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto and Johto now <r><QUOTE author="Gambilicious"><s> </e></QUOTE> we will be hopefull in the next few days since the servers have been blowing up but there are a few of us that are finished</r>
  2. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ The oldest guild ingame! (recruiting on both servers) <t>What is your nickname in PRO? Rukii<br/> What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why? Type wise i would have to say dragon and electric and some steel types as for the pokemon i would say a tie between kyurem, luxaray and aggron as for my reason why i have no idea i just love the way they look.<br/> Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO? Yes i am and my ambitions are to climb as high as i can in the pvp and too complete the pokedex as far as the game allows.<br/> What made you to join on this journey with us? I wanted to join be with a group of people that is passionate about the game as much as me.<br/> What is your final objective in PRO? the same as my ambitions <br/> How many hours did you play on Red? At the time of writing this i have 254 hours<br/> Why did you choose Blaze especially (Not a must but preferable if there is a reason noted) I chose blaze because i wanted to be in a guild and i already know one of the members in the guild (Nasulelijah)</t>
  3. My IGN is Rukii, i have 16 badges and 233 hours of playtime, i am able to come on discord. My goal in pro is to PvP and have fun. My timezone is gmt +0, you should accept me because i love this game and this would be more enjoyable with more people right? so why not bring me in.
  4. Re: ☠ Necromancers ☠ Guild [ Is looking for new souls ] <r>our discord<br/> <URL url="https://discord.gg/0ryFmwvPebXJevHQ">https://discord.gg/0ryFmwvPebXJevHQ</URL></r>
  5. Re: ☠ Necromancers ☠ Guild [ Is looking for new souls ] <t>Is there anyone who can talk on it though or do you all have no mic?</t>
  6. Re: ☠ Necromancers ☠ Guild [ Is looking for new souls ] <t>finally got the E4 down guys, Bring on hoenn :D</t>
  7. Re: ☠ Necromancers ☠ Guild [ Is looking for new souls ] <t>Indeed gunna be full at this rate ^^</t>
  8. Re: ☠ Necromancers ☠ Guild [ Is looking for new souls ] <t>IGN:Rukii<br/> <br/> Hours played:At 40 hours atm but on it almost all the time when i'm free so will go up quick <br/> <br/> -An reason to join: To have fun with others and help each other out with catching the perfect Pokemon or simply filling the pokedex.<br/> <br/> feel free to pm me ^^</t>
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