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About Kjwu

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Kjwu's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Yes, there was issue on the quest and some have to redo, but its pretty quick. good luck~
  2. Welcome to PRO~
  3. love the profile pic and signature xD :Crazy:
  4. yeah, i think Pokemon with multi-forms is mostly if not at all implemented in the game yet,
  5. It should say on your banned account's profile the reason and duration. permanent banned is forever, unless you appeal and provide sufficient proof to be unbanned otherwise. if its a ban against pvp issues or trade, it is normally 3 days, but it should tell you when the ban will end anyways.
  6. welcome to the forums~~ good luck with the YouTube videos :Smile: :Smile:
  7. Welcome~ good intro :Shy:
  8. :D: :D: :Exclam:.....
  9. Welcome to PRO~, look around the foums there are lots of guides andd tips for the game. or just simply ask around~ people will always help :Shy:
  10. these r some decent pokemon~ btw Welcome to PRO~
  11. Welcome to PRO, hopefully you get used to how this game works~
  12. i just type anime op&ed mix list on youtube :Shy:
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