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Posts posted by Pengin

  1. That is odd. Shouldve be able to unlock the path by following theses steps; You need to go back to rustboro, and go to devon building, talk to mr.devon himself to acquire his parcel/permission and later you will need to go to slateport back, and talk to the guy who made boats.

  2. There is already multiple quest NPCs ingame. And more to come. However, things that you suggested may refer to guild system, where it uses job request, not sure. Regardless, you suggestion needs more details so that we can give the best answer possible

  3. Nah, not ganna happen. Even if you put it on a new server. It will die quickly due to abusing troll even tho its fill with players who arent nub. They will get bored easily and frustrated. And pokemon is always PG, its not some GTA and Mafia kind of game.

  4. well, the game is on a limited capped server...if we have the reconnect ingame option, it wont be fair for the others in queues...i mean, they wont even be able to log in.cant sacrifice something big for a small purposes. however, i do agreed on the login acct. it should be fix asap as its bring pain more than it brings happiness lol

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