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Everything posted by Kenwolfjr

  1. I spent my hard on money on a Fast surf mount, which is no longer the case. We should be reimbursed 50 coins or they need to be reverted back. The name has the word Jet in it for goodness sake. It should be the fastest thing on the water, no Pokemon is going 80 mph. A Jetski does.
  2. Is this guild active? I'd like to join.
  3. What is your in game name? KenWolfJr How old are you? 29 How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? Hours, not sure at the moment. Fighting Johto Elite 4 currently. Total of 16 badges. Do you use discord? Yes I do. KenWolfJr is my username. What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? I haven't figured out what I enjoy most yet. I just want to beat the game and from there decide what to do. Why would you like to be in team magma? I want to be in Team magma because I want to be a part of a community with other PokeMasters.
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