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Everything posted by Hokuspokus

  1. wtb Timid Trace 27 Atk 28 SPD 23 SP.Atk 40k Code: Calamity :D
  2. Well, basically title. I was giving someone my pokemon from hoenn, for EV training, but since that person isn't in Hoenn yet, she can't equip this pokemon in her roster which means she can't level it. But this isn't the actual problem, since this one actually is, that she can't even trade back, unless she completes Hoenn. I wanted to ask, if there is any way for me, to get my pokemon back earlier, or if I do have to wait until she is finished with Hoenn story? Greetings
  3. My IGN is "HokusPokus" I do currently have around 140 Hours in PRO My name on Discord is brassatt#4491 I just finished Hoenn and am now leveling a bit, before I go on and try to prove myself in Sinnoh! I usually play every day, I did have a break though but am now active again! Or do you enjoy both? I have't really played PvP much, yet, but aim to do so, once I have the Pokemons for that. I think your Guild is pretty interesting, but to be honest, I have't joined a guild yet and am just looking for one now. So basically I just hope to find a guild which is nice and can help me and from the research I've done I think you should be pretty nice! >:<
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