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Everything posted by Acfun

  1. 50k :Crazy:
  2. Today, I found a Noibat in the light of mine, and my discoveries was 1700 but it ran away. :Frown:
  3. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>Why can't I challenge redboss, I first challenge him due to server anomalies directly out of the game after I go to challenge when found that he is not at the top of the mountain to ask this is what reason, in my cell phone he bettered but I and he is unable to the words as long as a bunch of words I will be stuck and then quit the game. Could you help me, please?</t>
  4. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS JESSIE AND JAMES !!] <t>为什么我不可以挑战redboss,我第一次挑战他的时候由于服务器异常我直接退出了游戏之后我再去挑战的时候发现他已经不在山顶了请问这是什么原因,在我的手机上他刷新了但是我和他无法对话因为只要一堆话我就会卡死然后退出游戏。请问你可以帮帮我么?</t>
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