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Freethepokes's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. oh thats ok .-.
  2. lol i posted on silver server?
  3. 400k DrZtroom on starmie 18 hours left
  4. minbid 50k after the start of 400k .
  5. 350k starmie Ptoronlinoone
  6. price and screen
  7. 300k bid for rough
  8. you see the minimun offer, u can start or bid 50k more than the last bid
  9. Good pokes ! S.O 250k. minbid 50k end 2 days after start S.o 650k. minbid 50k end 2 days after start
  10. thats it
  11. insta 1,5m insta 1m insta 750k insta 800k insta 600k Accepting offers.
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