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Everything posted by Elts

  1. edit just abiut to finish johto ao should be on myway to the next league soon!
  2. Your Discord Tag: elts#5435 Your Trainer Card: [MEDIA=imgur2]nYRB8iQ[/MEDIA] Are you an active player?: yes mainly on wed / sat / sunday but on in between too What is your goal in PRO?: to adapt to be a competitive PVPer Are you of the age 16 years or up?: 23 Do you meet the requirements to join this guild?: i believe so Why do you feel you will be a good addition for this guild?: i have abit of knowledge and im willing to help other where possible. plus im committed. Have you thoroughly read the first post of this thread?: yuuuup - PS the dark blue on black is kinda hard to read - personally anyway What server did you make your first account on? (Blue, Red, Yellow, Gold, or Silver): silver
  3. Good evening all, Im a semi - experienced player (played Pokemon alot during my younger years and getting back into it.) looking for a silver server guild for a new home to help other and myself progress. Will be looking to PVP once ive rushed the story (currently training for kanto e4) Looking for a enw home to chill / play casually. Have discord Based GMT +0 Currently done 45 hrs or so over the last week since starting the game (started 2 weeks ago, had 1 week out for surgery) Thanks [MEDIA=imgur2]ksWbE7z[/MEDIA]
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