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  1. Not a single response since I posted my first price offer, going to bail out dont want to waste my time waiting for a response
  2. 190k for scizor
  3. 170k for the scizor
  4. Posted this yesterday already, just change the search function from string.equals to string.contains that would be such a qol change. In general this means we can finally search for "Farfetch'd", also we dont have to type out every pkm just type "toge" hit enter, ez, you'll see every Togepi and their evolutions with just one search. PS: Thought this wasnt posted already so you can delete my thread or merge it https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/101229-url
  5. Hay, could you pls change the search function from equals to contains, its so annoying to type out every pokemon name plus you cant even search for farfetch'd.
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