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About Trynstark

  • Birthday 05/26/1995

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  1. The issue is the more you give, the more finger pointing at "pay2win" occurs. The current benefits are apt I would say without delving into P2W territory. If that happens there isn't pay2win, that is pay2play xD
  2. To make a guild you need 100h in game too so until the server has 100h....
  3. They said already, won't be change Pokemon when you defeat and enemy Pokemon so stop saying that xD, the other things about colour hp bar and numbers on it would be welcomed (but not like a must be yes or yes but they will put it eventually I think), all the window frame and pictures, background, etc... are awesome, I like that and I don't think they will change that because It is ok. The sync with the team slots such when you capture Pokemon would be hard to do I think but maybe in a future (but future future) can be done, See you ;) and Kanmuru, stop triple posting D:.
  4. What? How is that about "should be"? Is there any rule that say that every Pokemon game has to be exactly like the official? Or even better, every Pokemon game has to be like YOU want? I like everything you said even if I don't share the same opinion but really that statement pish me a lot.
  5. That problem is related to windows 10 or AMD graphic card, search in the forum for the solution, by the way, for me worked doing this : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=88&t=16484&p=107428&hilit=windows+10+shortcut#p107428
  6. Well not exactly, there are other regions right now you can see them on your map in-game There are in the map but not in game, whatever another pokemons can be caught in other regions, they are mixed.
  7. Dusk stones are hold by Wild Murkrows so you can steal it from them with Thief/Covet or just catch them and remove their item (if they hold one cause isn't always)
  8. There are a lot of posts about it, search a bit... https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=18683 Fast reply: not every poke needs the same amount of exp and evolved pokemons need more than unevolved forms.
  9. You can level your Gastly until 99 cause Haunter needs trade to evolve not lvl up... >.>, you should know that. Edit: whatever this game isn't a GameFreak game or something like that, It isn't a exactly copy of the pokemons games, things can be changed, This is a game of Revolution Team, they can do what they please if you want something else you can do some usefull recommendations etc and if they WANT do it they will considerate that, you CAN'T obligate them to do what you want, i'm not referring this to the person I quoted it is just for everybody that want this game to become what they want, Is it hard? yes, it is and I like it if you want easier of faster game go play official games.
  10. There aren't cons, the one that I think could be is that if the evolution learns a move by lvl that the preevo doesn't learn, you have to use a relearner move tutor to learn it (and pay 2k for it)
  11. What i said, and by the way, i have been playing Pokemon fire red this week and have to say that my blastoise needs a lot of more exp than my squirtle, so idk about new generations but in that one it is like PRO.
  12. just do it in game, take a growlite or any poke who needs a stone to evolve, see the exp needed to next lvl, then use the stone, see it again...
  13. Trynstark

    The pvp rule

  14. you are making win to play in the faction of the admins, and pay to play for the users, because you block the creations of new users Í don't get it... Why people say things about something that they don't know just to make a discussion... Í never paid for this game and I'm at the 6 gym even I have fought against some player and I won, so I'm sure you don't need to pay to win anything, just cosmetics and mounts (you can obtain a mount too as a free player) , membership is just for boosts exp and coin (Just faster) and some Pokemon available in zones just for members and zones exclusives for them (for example shinx in route 1 or Pokemon tower underground), but you can buy any Pokemon with pokedollars or even the membership with pokedollars so every content in this game is available playing for free (í mean not paying real money)
  15. And the team doesn't need to be full Kanto Pokemons cause you can catch Pokemon from others generations since the beggining :), and no, that doesn't happen to me cause I don't have enough slots in my team for every Pokemon I like so I rotate them eventually.
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