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Everything posted by Somyakant

  1. .
  2. Auction Completed, Special thanks to @Ging13 for helping me transfer pokemon. With this the thread can be closed.
  3. Auction Completed, Won by Mozambi, trade ss will be added shortly.
  4. Selling this Shiny Timburr, S.o 4.5m Minimum increase 500k Insta: 25m Accept Coin Capsule at 400k each , Rare Candies at 6.5k each The auction will be here for 24 hours after first offer is made. For Snipers, Note: 15 mins will be added to the auction, if there is bid in last 15 mins of the auction. The buyer must add the server from which he is looking to purchase. All Forum Rules and Trade Rules applied. A timer will be added once, the auction has officially been started, and get into my information. Time Left: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20220106T1830&p0=1595&msg=Shiny+Timburr&font=cursive
  5. @Tomy314 Normally, Munchlax evolve when the happiness is 255. I guess try using the mysterious candy which you bought. You can check the happiness of a pokemon using this code /happy <slot of the pokemon> I hope it would work.
  6. What's the price?
  7. I buy impish gyarados and jolly gyarados 20+ iv(third one)
  8. Mimikyu sold to burrps at 1.7m ty for participating guyzz
  9. Oki c.o. 1.5m auction will end just after 24hrs of the first bid
  10. S. O. 1.5m Insta 4m One day auction from first bid
  11. Kangaskhan sold to bicep at 1.3m
  12. S. O. 1m Insta price -8m Auction one day
  13. Insta sold to fafoney check out ty for participating
  14. My discord is Somyakant#4016 contact me there / in game name somyakant
  15. Tell me ur ingame name Or discord I'll dm u
  16. 4.1m by luka29powa in game here's the proof
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