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  1. Silver, Lordmitico 1. What do you want to ask from Santa this Christmas? I want a Christmas a Darkrai for Christmas,
  2. thanks for the advice please close topic
  3. hey there, everyone uses such expensive medallion for purposes, I have some of them too but honestly it's not quite worth it to buy it just for a common Pokemon hidden ability (my case) can some one please give me some tips and suggestion about pokes that are worth shooting for when you use such method (black medallion) thanks in advance..
  4. I see .. okay I will remember that :thanks:
  5. UP ^-^
  6. list of the recent changes for johto e4 ( I just did it ) Koga: Swalot > Mega - Beedrill Bruno: Lucario > Mega - Lucario Karen: Houndoom > Mega - Houndoom Lance: Salamence > Charizard Lance: Charizard > Mega - Salamence Mega - Beedrill and Mega - Salamence have no images yet only names
  7. UP ^-^
  8. PRO Username: LordMitico Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message Iron Barbs of Ferroseed/Ferrothorn is it actually working?? I can't notice it while I'm playing with the pokemon... :confused: maybe because I thought it deals dmg to the foe in contact and it is not?
  9. hi, everyone .. someone with no friends playing this game what can he do with trade evolving thing searching through chat to find someone isn't really hard but the hard thing is to ask him to help u with high lvl pokemon .. u can't just trust anyone :Proud:
  10. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ [New] <t>thank for the topic</t>
  11. Re: MacCollin's Pokefarm (updated 17.02.16) <t>In game name: Lordmitico<br/> Access to: Kanto only <br/> Name of Pokemon and donator: Ice pokemon if possible if not; Lickilicky by Anyarur or your lickitung<br/> Timezone: GMT+3</t>
  12. thanks for the guide :Grin:
  13. PRO Username: LordMitico Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? searched through the forum with no results Description and Message PRO Username: LordMitico Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? searched through the forum with no results Description and Message just like the topic suggests how does the nature system works? what makes a pokemon different due to it's nature? I'm pretty newbie when it comes to pokemon games, and I think I have to know this in order to make less mistakes during the course of the game. regards,
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