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About Celebi

  • Birthday January 9

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  1. Account reset Username: Celebi server to reset to progress: Gold
  2. Celebi


    Hello! Which pokemon do you like more? Gallade or Gardevoir? Who do you most often take to the team?
  3. Thanks.I already got help.
  4. In-game name: Celebi Server: Gold I need help evolving my Clamperl into an Huntail. my Clamperl holds the required object.
  5. In-game name: Celebi Server: Gold Timezone: GMT+3 I need help evolving my Clamperl into an Huntail. I'm online now. my Clamperl holds the required object
  6. Celebi


    After downloading the new version, this appeared. Is it a mistake or is it supposed to be?I very often began to throw out from the server. server gold
  7. Hi. I'm playing silver server. Who went to the gold server. There the journey begins again. Tell me, will it be a violation if I continue to play on the server gold?
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