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Everything posted by Hibiki

  1. Push! It's been 4 years now. Is there already a German patch or still not? I'm really keen on the game, but only if it's translated into German.
  2. Hello everyone, is there already a German language version?
  3. So I would be very happy about a German translation. If your offer is still valid. @Senrosia
  4. :(
  5. @Letrix Too bad, then the game is unfortunately not for me. Does not bring me anything if I do not understand and I need a translator every time. I actually put great hope in the game that it also appears in German. I am very disappointed. :(
  6. @Thor @DrowningPsyduck @Leitah @Inspironflex I'm crazy about the game but unfortunately can not understand everything :(
  7. German patch, will it translate into German in the near future? The SPiel in itself looks mega and I would very much like to continue playing, but I'm not the English professional and do not always know what the z. B. NPC's want from me. I would be very happy about a German translation. Greeting, Hibiki
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