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  1. Re: 3 Amigos >>> Jan, 6 <t>i buy garchomp 900k and starmie 700k vinipede 75k h.a<br/> <br/> Onik</t>
  2. Move list Generation 6,7 On game
  3. yep...
  4. it's beautiful *-*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I could enter, I played for 3 minutes and game crash then it was impossible to re-enter
  6. Yo quiero unirme nick ONIone mori con tu himno xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  7. in all mmo games I've played you are the deloveper more Cool. THX
  8. Does anyone from the staff can corroborate this?
  9. Are mega evolutions will be implemented for all player? I'm excited just thinking whether or not it can be possible If so How? When? and that the system would consist?
  10. like that? unity animated sprite? My unity Example: Bulbasaur
  11. I will not look like someone who revives the same subject over and over again. I rather think that your project is the best way to have regard to all the others that are already. This issues is like a question than a suggestion. Is it possible to introduce animated sprite or animated gif in battles? Sorry for bad english :| example:
  12. Onione


    animated .gif??...
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