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Posts posted by Veliox

  1. Hello Staff, 

    Around 2-3 days ago I have purchased a Big Membership and activated it shortly after. 

    Now for the past 2-3 days I am checking via the Reborn bot how long my Membership is active and it tells me as of now 32D. 

    My issue is I had 4D of MS before activating the 60D MS but ever since I activated it the Reborn bot only shows that 30D MS has been added to my account.

    As we do not have any way of checking the MS duration in-game and Reborn bot is the only option we have I am unsure what happened here? 

    I am eagerly awaiting a reply as soon as possible, because as of now I am unsure I will ever purchase the Big MS again if these issues are common with it and especially not being able to check the duration is such a let down. 

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon. 

    With kind regards,

  2. 20 hours ago, dastoks said:

    Heya! is the "Clone Bulbasaur (31SPD) Price = 100K" still available ? I'd love to buy it 🙂

    Can msg me ingame (dastoks) or pm me here\qoute so ill know and we can meet

    Hi there, 

    Yes it is indeed still available, I will be online in a few minutes and send you a message in-game should you be online. 

    Alternatively just let me know in the forum when you will be online and I will make sure to deliver the Poke to you. 


  3. Hello Staff Members, 

    Up until the Halloweeen Event I barely ever had any issues with the Android APK itself, however since the event is over it is plagued with constant connection errrors. 

    I have tried using a VPN, using different Networks including Mobile & WiFi, I have even tried it on other Android devices all with the same issue. 

    At this point the Android APK is not playable for more than 10-20 mins before I get disconnected, I then decided to de-install the APK and remove all the files, cleared the cache etc. 

    It worked fine yesterday but as of today the same issues came back again. 

    I would like to know if there are any known issues with the APK as of now, it is rather unexplainable to me why it still has these huge DC error after doing all the steps I described above, I am unsure there is anything left to do from my side. 

    Furthermore, I would like to mention that the game itself runs without issues on both my Windows Laptop and my Macbook, so I can say this issue is exclusively with the Android APK at least for myself. 

    Looking forward to hearing from you. 

    Kind regards,

  4. 4 hours ago, MapleSyrupX said:

    Hi! sorry for the late reply as i was not active recently due too busy IRL.. if you still wish to buy my snorlax please reply here and let me know the time you would like to do the transaction.. thanks


    Hi no worries there but I have unfortunately already bought another one as you didn't reply for a while. 


    Thanks for getting back to me though.


    All the best! 

  5. 1 hour ago, Noxious said:


    Hey there!


    Your quest got reset, you can now capture Darkrai again. After catching it, you get a Locked Reroll from the NPC. Please let me know if this works for you. 


    Kind regards, Noxious


    It worked, thanks for the support Noxious.




  6. 2 minutes ago, Noxious said:


    Correct, just let me know when you released it, but before please send me a screenshot of it if you caught it with a Master Ball. Looking forward to your response.

    Thanks for confirming once more. 


    I did not use a Master Ball to catch it so no worries there. 


    My Darkrai with the ID: 51541278, has been released now. 


    Looking forward to your response.


    Kind regards, 


  7. Hello Noxious,


    No worries there, I am sure you're all quite busy I am glad someone responded after all. 


    Yes, I would gladly accept the offer, so all I have to do is release my Darkrai and then I can go catch it again? 


    I will do it straight away once upon your confirmation.


    With kind regards, 


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