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  1. The files are too large for the server to process. The pokemon are Kadabra (male) level 79, Johto ID: 38502162 && Haunter (female) level 96, Johto ID: 26014677. These pokemon are located in the 4th box of my PC storage. Let me know if you require any more information.
  2. Thank you so much for your help and assistance! Attached are the screenshots of the two pokemon that are needed to be returned to Kennito92.
  3. Hello, I recently tried to help someone by trading their pokemon to me with the intent of trading right back so that their pokemon will evolve. I was not aware that I had to go to the same region as the pokemon in order to trade back. The user that I am trying to send back to in Kennito92. We are in the silver server and I would like some help getting his pokemon back to him. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
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