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Everything posted by Tiagospir

  1. i start bo in gengar 200k 31 speed
  2. Re: Pokemporium Shop (Updated Sep-15) <t>bo in milotic?</t>
  3. Re: Sell Pokes Epics and Decents <t>the bold bulba, "100k" - offer 150k as insta.</t>
  4. Fake BO = Report Contact Owner in Game or pm in forum for further Info on the Pokemons. /friend tiagospir :kiss:
  5. Hey guys, i will edit my shop, and they are locked. Thanks. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=29541
  6. i will update soon about the lvl, ev trains and evolutions, and add more epics.
  7. looking for a bit more as intant price. already dusclops 100, ev trained.
  8. very low friend, no ty. :Proud:
  9. i will acctualy this soon, sorry for your time. the bulba are now one venusaur lvl 100 - ev trained already. to low.
  10. thanks all but i have on impish eevee 1,2m offer. The calm one, no one BO at moment.
  11. Re: ✿Tomato Day Caring✿ ( New Opening) <r>the best daycare in game, keep working like this and we always gonna hire your services.<br/> <br/> <E>:y:</E></r>
  12. on Wynaut and Shuckle. (EV AND LEVEL) Who can do this? and tell me the price. Thanks
  13. epic ha poliwag add. UP
  14. bo in game 650k at moment.
  15. 1 - Owner will start the auction if owner receives a good offer. 2 - Owner reserve the right to create and change his own price for his Pokemon. 3 - Owner reserve the right to reject your offer and withdraw his Pokes here. 4 - Having a BO does not mean that Owner will sell it for that price, Owner will eventually set up a buyout price. 5 - I accept trades too, but link your poke. MS = 250k - 100 coins = 300k - Rare Candy = 15k</SIZE><SIZE size="125"> Fake BO = Report Contact Owner in Game for further Info on the Pokemon. /friend tiagospir :kiss: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  16. Grimer, and i run. not bad
  17. Re: Auction 3 Pokemons <t>50k magby 200k skarmory</t>
  18. Re: EPIC BOLD CHANSEY - NATURAL CURE 31 DEF - 26 SPDEF - HP 17 <t>bo raise to 710k by Yeyanluo.<br/> <br/> 24 hours for bid!</t>
  19. Re: EPIC BOLD CHANSEY - NATURAL CURE 31 DEF - 26 SPDEF - HP 17 <t>actually bo is 700k in game by xandin20<br/> <br/> looking for instant price.</t>
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