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Everything posted by Heidachangcu

  1. Re: 33's pokemon store (Update epic shiny gengar) <r><QUOTE author="Faycan"><s> </e></QUOTE> No time left, i will add instant/time limit if i feel im getting something close to the pokes worth.<br/> also, you can give me a instant price to let me make a decision.</r>
  2. Re: 33's pokemon store (Update epic shiny gengar) <r><QUOTE author="Faycan"><s> </e></QUOTE> I am considering about auction time. Looking forward more offer.</r>
  3. please go to my store. The bo under this post would be ignored now bo is 1m by faycan
  4. Re: 33's pokemon store (Update epic shiny gengar) <r>Faycan offer 1m as first bid ingame<br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/lq6GuuB.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  5. Want to sell one Epic Shiny Gengar. I always wait you in my personal shop store: 33's pokemon store. Please don‘t bid under this post. Your bid will be ignored. There is the website:https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=18846 Thank you so much for coming and you can take a look in my personal store to choose what you want.
  6. Re: 33's pokemon store (Update epic shiny gengar) <t>bumped...update shiny epic gengar</t>
  7. No time left, i will add instant/time limit if i feel im getting something close to the pokes worth. Vulv offered on flabebe ingame. Shop Updated. ok tell me the instant price in msg i dont want to wait too long time
  8. 160k riolu jolly 100k shiny slowbro wanna know time limit
  9. Re: 33's pokemon store (Update epic Charizard, Swallow, Sneasel, Cleffa) <r><QUOTE author="kingsnappy123"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> thank you</r>
  10. Re: 33's pokemon store (Update epic Charizard, Swallow, Sneasel, Cleffa) <t>bump...</t>
  11. Re: 33's pokemon store (Update epic Charizard, Swallow, Sneasel, Cleffa) <t>bump..</t>
  12. Hi: larvitar ada or jolly ATK:25+ SPD: 31 DEF:20+ SP.DEF:20+ HP: 20+ Dragonite ada or jolly Ability:Multiscale ATK:25+ SPD: 31 DEF:20+ SP.DEF:20+ HP: 20+ 3m budget
  13. Re: 33's pokemon store (Update epic Charizard, Swallow, Sneasel, Cleffa) <r><QUOTE author="Celesternia"><s> </e></QUOTE> yes, i will upload the trade screenshoot. have a nice day!</r>
  14. Re: 33's pokemon store (Update epic Charizard, Swallow, Sneasel, Cleffa) <r><QUOTE author="Blue08"><s> </e></QUOTE> What is ur country gmt? Mine is +7<e> </e></QUOTE> My friend tiktoktok will help me to buy it cuz i can not onl now.<e> </e></QUOTE> ok i will contact him</r>
  15. Re: 33's pokemon store (Update epic Charizard, Swallow, Sneasel, Cleffa) <r><QUOTE author="h037"><s> </e></QUOTE> contact me ingame.</r>
  16. Re: 33's pokemon store (Update epic Charizard, Swallow, Sneasel, Cleffa) <r><QUOTE author="Blue08"><s> </e></QUOTE><e></e></QUOTE> 36hrs when I receive first bid <E>:Grin:</E>[<br/> okay, again, i offer 100k rhyhorn #1, 140k cleffa #2<e> </e></QUOTE> contact me ingame</r>
  17. Re: 33's pokemon store (Update epic Charizard, Swallow, Sneasel, Cleffa) <t>bump...</t>
  18. wtb a hippowdon Requirement: all 25+ expect sp.atk. I have 10m, if you have one meet my requirement. Don't suspect me. I can pay well. msg me
  19. Re: 33's pokemon store (Update epic Charizard, Swallow, Sneasel, Cleffa) <r><QUOTE author="h037"><s> </e></QUOTE> let me check<br/> <br/> 11hrs maybe</r>
  20. 110k and i want to know the instal pirce Pls msg me in forum or ingame
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