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  1. Hello, I just want to for first time to sinnoh and Talk to Hannah, but while we speak she dissapeared. Now she is gone … I tried a few Things to get her back. - relog - Change place - F2 + clearmaps and closet the Client Nothing worked to get her back... i asked in discord a moderator but he send me here. Following is the conversation beween e and the Mod. His solution doesn´t work… Please help me Saschmaelheute um 16:22 Uhr it doesn´t work ... clearmaps , relog change map ...... annah is gone . is there an other solution to get her back ?? Vector the Poochheute um 16:22 Uhr @Saschmael not relog, close the game entirely. Saschmaelheute um 16:23 Uhr yes i tried both is there an other way to go to sinnoh for first time ??? Vector the Poochheute um 16:24 Uhr No there is not. I would say try taking your issue to general support in the forums to see if PRO Staff can assist you there. BuddyBotBOTheute um 16:25 Uhr Here is a link to the General Support sub-forum. https://tinyurl.com/PROGeneralSupport Saschmaelheute um 16:28 Uhr thanks for help i hope it ´ll be fixed soon ... im sad now .... Vector the Poochheute um 16:28 Uhr Don't worry, I'm sure you will be able to continue your adventure. No-So-Ghostly-Anymore Keitanitoheute um 16:28 Uhr @Saschmael Please, be sure to explain and type what i already made you try, in that way you will help PRO STAFF to help you that's an important step in order to help staff to help ya. Saschmaelheute um 16:29 Uhr io hope so ok i understand
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