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Everything posted by Zafridoo

  1. it dissapears for me to, but earlier today i wated around 2-2,5 hours, and nothing happend.. so idk, if there was a major queue earlier, or what .. ?
  2. the wifi is fine, i have the best internet i can atm, so i dont think thats the issue either.. :)
  3. firewall is on, and have restarted router aswell....
  4. Fixes are being made, which they can't be done overnight. We already know what is causing the high latency issues and our developer is working on it. This requires more server-end coding and game coding to ease up the stress on the server. I'm sorry to hear that you are frustrated but everyone, including us needs to be patient while the said fixes are being made. its cool. but wait with the hoenn region, and fix the client first lol. you cant tell me to be more patient than i am, ive been waiting 20+ hours last 3 days, and ive been spamming the login but nothing happends..:) every 1 else can play but me, which is really fucked up........ ofcourse i get frustated, when i waited so long and still havent achieved anything in the 20+ hours trying to get in here, its just the same stupid message i get from you guys.. "restart client, redownload, be patient" ive been patient last week, taking it smooth but the last 3-4 days has just been madness.
  5. that'll really help your cause, attempting to threaten them with a bad review? gl with that buddy. And besides, ive seen diffrent bad reviews about the xp, grinding, queue, client and so on. so im not the only one complaining about this, but they are so concentrated on the god damn hoen region they forget everything else, which is a shame imo.
  6. Not treathing at all. They keep telling me to keep trying, and be patient.. i've been waiting so long the last 3 days? I cant even log in when the server says its half full? its a great game and i low it, when you can play it. but when you cant, people are so confused and they dont know how to fix the issue, othwerwise they would have fixed it alreaddy. and releasing hoen is a great thing, but not when your client doesnt work, then stop focusing on your hoen and focus the client imo. :) but tbh i dont think they care about 1 single player anyway, this game has exploded with activity the last few months, so yea :) but they need to fix this shit fast............
  7. i hae been nothing but patient man, ive been waiting for like 22+ hours now to get in, and still havent managed me to get in a fucking queue....................... im so close giving this game a really bad review on diffrent sites..
  8. IS there diffrence on what client you download between red n blue server.. ? i dont think the 2nd server is up yet? o.O
  9. yes.. i downloaded it 2 ours ago.. i've been keep trying, and i still HAVENT managed to get IN TO THE GAME........ :devil: :devil: :devil:
  10. the new client does the same, it does for me.. been trying to get in a queue, for 4 hours.. nothing happends =) so its not fixed.
  11. all they keep saying is " keep trying and wait it out " and im like, ive been waiting. waiting over 20 hours in 3 days to get online, and when you ask for help thats the respond xd they should fix the client before they add hoenn..
  12. PRO Username: Zafridoo Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? nothing? i just play lol What have you already tried to solve the problem? restarting the client over 200 times in total, and re downloading the client 4 times. Description and Message your client is not working on my pc anymore? why idk. ive been waiting 20 hours + last 3 days, just camping the login but nothing fucking happends.?????????????????????????????????????????????? it says "loggin in" and then dissapears, or else it freezes and says "couldve not connect to server"... Ive let it be open for 2,5 hours, until i gave up. nothing works. every 1 else can play but not me? =) i even opened the server when the server had 1,1k players on, but i wasnt able to join anyway.. ? like are you fucking for real. ? - Zafridoo.
  13. test servers, is for stuff like new maps, new areas to be tested etc. Just look at hoen, it will be out soon im pretty sure they used test servers, to build up hoen =)
  14. PRO Username: Zafridoo Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? nothing, except keep spamming login..? What have you already tried to solve the problem? redownload the client.. Description and Message well every time i wanna play pro, and i open client every thing goese smooth.. but as soon as i hit login button, entire client freeze and says " cannot connect to server.. " this happends like from anywhere 1-100 times, before i manage to log on to the game.. Any idea how do fix? o.O :Shocked: :thanks:
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