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  1. @Boces do you think you could meet in the middle and do for 1.25m?
  2. @justbillionare
  3. Is the start 100k? If so then start
  4. Swampert start 2m?
  5. @Boces 1m for swampert?
  6. Swampert can you do 800k?
  7. Hello. Are you willing to lower the start price to 1.5m for the swampert? If so i am willing to start
  8. is this still open? if so i can start 700k if you want
  9. I can start at 1m if you accept
  10. Traded successfully. Thank you all
  11. The Auction is now concluded! @Fafouney wins with a bid of 23m!! Please message me on discord Jusjeet#0865 for collecting your pokemon. Thank you everyone for bidding
  12. We are now in the last 15 mins. Every bid here on out adds 15 mins
  13. 24 hours left! Lets start a bid war
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