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Samad1786's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. 650k
  2. 500k
  3. Insta From silver IGN : Samad1786
  4. Hello, In my opinion there should be atleast a general way to change nature for your normal pokemons too (not talking about some tournament reward). Cause many times I see people catch 25+ iv almostly godly pokemons but the sync fails and its totally a waste. I myself have caught so many 20+ which is just useless cuz of wrong nature. U can make the price relatively high for this type of reroll from the nature reroll for legendaries , so that people would only buy it if its really worth it to change. Hopping that staff may consider this. Thank you
  5. deleted
  6. Yes it is there. Thanks a lot!
  7. The thing is it is not available in that account either. I already checked with my brother. I guess I wasn't clear enough. What I wanted to say is it could have been traded to someone else from either mine or my brother's account but it is not available in both. Can you tell me where it went from his account? Or does he need to make a thread for that?
  8. Hello! I started playing the game again this month (I played last in January) and found out that a Level 100 Sassy Storm Drain Gastrodon is missing from my box. I dont remember selling it or releasing it (pretty sure about that) but maybe I have traded it to someone. Unfortunately, I dont have the Pokemon ID. My account Samad1786 and my brother's account MSK876 are only thorugh which it could have been traded. Is there any way staff can help me find the Gastrodon? Thank You
  9. Player name: Samad1786 Showdown name: Samad1786 Server: Silver Timezone: GMT+5:30 Rank on ladder: 15
  10. I also want more time to do ready at the start of the match.
  11. All for one's headgear would look Deadly
  12. I like the concept , is that evo data of starter only or every region all pokes?? If its only starters of every region than its great .
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