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Posts posted by Shewas18

  1. 144712 @shewas18 plz take this thread as personal reference don't be too harsh. It's just Irafayel option and his own observation on the rate those pokemons appear in ranked games, not about strong and weak the pkms are.(And I quite agree with his list..) This will help new players and pll lazy at ranking have a idea of current metagame.

    Never said he was wrong for everything ,and yea it's a personal reference and not a community one .

    Nowhere i meant to be harsh (maybe a little:p)

    You are always assuming that coverage is going to hit what its meant for. There is no guarantee that opponent will switch in something that is weak to the coverage you are running (i mentioned all the many pokemon that could potentially switch in on ttar). Even if you have say, both ice beam and flamethrower, you still have to make a wild guess here. In that event (that opponent throws something that resist both the coverage you chose as well as crunch), crunch would be better as it has stab and may also lower defense. But you make a good point running moves that cover pokemon that counter excadrill greatly increases excadrills late game sweep chances.

    Rock are resisted by ground,steel,and figthing , stone edge+coverage hit harder anything in the whole meta than crunch doesn't except the three mons i listed (ah forgot medicham ) so yeah click edge or coverage will almost always be better

    If you find that you so adamantly disagree with it you can make your own thread and express your opinions there.

    Let's be honest it's a waste of time when 50-80% of the serveur are thinking moxie>inti on gyara or adamant ttar is better or even expriming their opinion and claiming thing without pointing them with reals numbers over words/assumation/guessing .(I AM harsh right there)

    That is the same logic i used to say that champ is slower than ttar, i have seldom found machamps that have outsped my ttar, except ones that are max speed (you can tell as they are much squishier).

    Trading around 7%-12% of machamp's bulk to outspeed thing as ttar is sure making it lesssssssssssssssssss bulky .

    his is also the reason i have said "best natures/sets/etc". This is my opinion.

    Yes this is your opinion, and nowhere it means that's the best set atm , like i said it's fooling/missleading clueless people how the game works (or lazy one pointed bong) "how damn my machamp to get ride of ttar is slower , possibly get 2hko if it switch in ,get wears down really fast since no recovery at all " , overall i never said your opinion were all wrong or that bad .

  2. A lot of the people that were in the top 25, during first 2-3 weeks, are no longer in top 25 for the very reason you said. Most of the good battlers take advantage of the first couple of weeks to try out new teams and combinations and what not. As such, it would be foolish to lend any great weight to ladder placement or victories during this period, but thats just my opinion and you are most certainly entitled to yours. Tbh, i take pride in anyone bragging victory over me :)


    Either way this thread wasn't made with the intention of dissing people, their teams or the combination of moves/abilities/natures/ev spread that they use. Just open ended discussions without calling names or denouncing anyone or their pvp related opinions.


    Back to Ttar. Talonflame is never going to stick around even after inflicting burn on ttar. Two staples you are always going to find ttar running are stone edge and crunch both of which are now significantly weaker as a result of burn. That leaves two slots left for "coverage". Using one of those slots for twave now limits ttar to one slot for coverage. Again, probably going to be one of ice beam / tbolt / flamethrower or one of the punches (and if it is one of the punches they are also significantly weaker now as well). Assuming its one of the special attack moves the best will probably be ice beam (considering hippo / donphan / gliscor are popular checks to ttar). Interestingly enough, if either of them are used it renders thunder wave useless. This means ferrothorn, skarmory and most fighting types can freely switch in on ttar. Neither of ferro or skarm are too bothered by twave and the most common fighting type used currently, machamp, is already slower than ttar anyway. What im trying to say is, the coverage argument doenst really add up when running twave, and to be honest, across 3 ranked season i never once faced a twave ttar. Personally i much prefer stealth rock on ttar but that again reduces his coverage options and there are also better SR setters.


    Leaving all that aside, this thread is about what is being used CURRENTLY, and good ways to counter the current set ups. Of course new ideas are always welcome but there is absolutely no need to get toxic about them.

    You were the one braging "i never met you in ladder yet" definitly sounded toxic or i am wrong , that appart I AM probably the guy trying the most of thing in the ladder and i being nowhere attached to my actual ranking or whatever you'r claiming but that's not the subject we both agree on that.


    Let's go back to tflamme and ttar , if you predict the switch and burn ttar , you'r ain't going to stick anyway since you can't harm ttar ,so it ends up by having rocks up for a burn(way better setter there) , or having your ttar check(which are almost the same as any physical mon ,skarm,hippo,ferro,donphan,while togekiss is an exception) destroyed by the same way your burned him , by "prediction" , that's the only way to cripple ttar without having to sap your bird or a stone miss , running crunch is the same as running adamant nature bascilly it's bad or nowhere near optimal.

    -->(if you'r able to do prediction, why your opponent couldn't when ttar switch in are so obvious and always sent , while all of them are 2hkoed by coverage , only skarm outspeed ttar and maybe expect to roost stall ttar , with enough investissement in special it can't and for the other no one can harm him in return since they'r slowers ,and help for an excadrill sweep later)

    Only thing crunch hits harder than any coverage moove are starmie/mew/slowbro , none of them are going to stick anyway(your own argument there <3), if you hope to do well in any meta/ladder/pokemongame/whatever , you need bird and fighting resistances or huge physical wall is the base of the competitive game unless you runs HO , so saying fighting mon/moove destroys ttar because he runs whatever set is an awful argument


    One more question ,HOW machamp is slower than ttar ? unless you run a ton of evs speed with your awesome evs fulled in atq (yeah awesome adamant crunch spam ttar), sad fact , if you'r not running enough speed on your machamp to outspeed most common used pokemon in the actual meta just show how obvious you got no clue about what you'r telling .(no offense/toxicity right there) .


    One more thing , i'll quote you there "this thread is about what is being used CURRENTLY" so why is "best set/nature" written in front of everything and not most used set/spreads one ?

    It fools every new players or clueless one .

  3. im at 481 rn ? and i was ahead of you for a lonnngtime? (aren't you the guy i beated 2times ina row by clicking eq on your talonflamme ,same talonflamme i sold to you btw) ,for the information i stopped pvping 1-2 weeks ago after i lost to phoenix on a fang freeze trough confusion(and i can tell everymoove he runs on his both account since i faced him so much) so i took a break and there no reason to ladder atm when you have just to win 3-4games at the end of the season to hit rank 25+ when you are around 500, one more thing ... 0 Atk burned Tyranitar Stone Edge vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Talonflame: 368-434 (102.5 - 120.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO , when you are saying thing give numbers with it , so you got your ttar crippled ? it's meant to be a support, spam t-wave or coverage moove , and unless you'r brainless, but godbless in your case you are topladder , do some prediction , and click coverage moove than crunch everyday , will kinda help .

  4. my eyes are bleeding after reading few spreads & co , just about the whole argument on ttar, with coverage his "check" like you said are absolutly free to kill , anyway running adamant nature on ttar is absolutly garbage btw , unless you want ttar to sweep on his own and run a jolly nature, his job is to provide support and a reliable check to talonflamme, since pursuit isn't working you can't trap either , so you have to run coverage moove to soften his check (thoose are the same as excadrill check , so yeah running one rock moove to get ride of the bird and full coverage is free points on the ladder for some free excadrill sweep{wich one check talonflamme w/o problem with sand in game})

  5. 142358
    141839 play with whatever you like xD
    142027 starmie,ferro,sableye,blissey,talon+fill is probably the best kind of team you can make , half of the topladder is playing with that ,adding the fact that the curing from lum berry on a wow from sableye is bugged, you still deal half the damage you should do , and people definitly knows about that but still spamming it (hi Tr3y) , anyway the ladder is really haxxy , don't ask me why , intended or weird coding, i dunno , you need some steel nerves , thing i don't , i often goes at 500+ , and climb down to 400 after a little of hax and just go on full tilt or get haxxed even more .

    It's not will-o-wisp bugged, it's Lum berry. Instead of heal thr status immediately, it cure in the end of that turn.. so the bearer still takes damage from burn and deal half damage in that turn.. (plz fix this critical bug, trainer w. Lummed h.a dragonite want this badly)

    And for the haxx - and aged old aggurment... it's part of this game. It added random, luck based factors to this game.. It will be "fun&fair" if luck is on ur side. Otherwise, it's "an error coded"... Plz accept it.

    141839 play with whatever you like xD

    Personally, I find this kind of comment very helpful when new players asking for help..

    As being in the "top" of the ladder there and on some tier on a well known site, after i spammed the ladder i can assure you pro has some trouble with hax . There a thing with my gyara, ik when i don't miss bounce when i see the parahax(it appears before damage), honestly it's a miss or parahax most of the time, i would say 1-2/10 land without paralysing so far

  6. starmie,ferro,sableye,blissey,talon+fill is probably the best kind of team you can make , half of the topladder is playing with that ,adding the fact that the curing from lum berry on a wow from sableye is bugged, you still deal half the damage you should do , and people definitly knows about that but still spamming it (hi Tr3y) , anyway the ladder is really haxxy , don't ask me why , intended or weird coding, i dunno , you need some steel nerves , thing i don't , i often goes at 500+ , and climb down to 400 after a little of hax and just go on full tilt or get haxxed even more .

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