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About Redartist

  • Birthday 10/10/1987

Redartist's Achievements



  1. hi wts this shiny nidoran, BO starts 80k and auction ends 48h from now. Thanks a lot
  2. selling this shiny impish graveler
  3. PRO Username: redartist Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? just playing What have you already tried to solve the problem? i can't do it myself Description and Message it's more a suggestion than an claming. when the server crashes while fighting a boss it considers that you lost the battle and just have to wait 2 weeks. i can understand when the servers are unstable but it's disturbing when it occurs suddently. A solution would be to give us the possibility to re fight the boss after the reboot. thanks
  4. PM me when come online pls
  5. Re: wts Shiny Jumpluff to bo, current Amelii 190k, deadline April 11 <t>update bump</t>
  6. Re: wts Shiny Jumpluff to bo, current Amelii 190k, deadline April 11 <t>up bump</t>
  7. bonjour, je m'appelle Papa, 28 ans vétéran de pokemon (de la version bleue à la version perle). Je suis plutôt collectionneur voire marchand. Avec 115h sur PRO, je m'y considère encore comme un novice dans ce MMO. mon pseudo redartist. J'espère intégrer une guilde où l'entraide, la convivialité et le partage d'expériences seront les maîtres mots. :thanks:
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