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  1. I need help finding this guy. I cant seem to find him at all. I was told to check out V Road, The Islands under pallet Town, Diglett Cave, Saffron Pokemart, and the Powerplant. I checked all of them although I may have missed him because i dont know what the npc name is or how he looks like or the spots he should be at. But i am pretty sure I searched every part of the Power Plant, the diglett cave and saffron pokemart. I need help find him am i missing any spots?
  2. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <t>1. What is your nickname in PRO<br/> Goththewolf<br/> <br/> 2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why? <br/> My favorite pokemon type is and always will be between these 3, psychic, fighting, and dragon. i love em equally.<br/> Favorite overall pokemon? That would probably be Mewtwo or Lucario. Can't decide on which sorry :( <br/> <br/> 3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO?<br/> I can be ambitious depending on what my goal is. When I put my mind to something I will do it i don't like to give up. ambition in PRO is to gather my favorite overall team and stay on my winstreak.<br/> <br/> 4. What made you to join on this journey with us?<br/> Well the other guilds look like crud except for Memoire but hey i like the sound of INFERNO.<br/> <br/> 5. What is your final objective in PRO?<br/> To have my own unique team i guess. Group up with cool trainers etc. and maybe if i am lucky somewhere down the road have a legendary nobody else has lol.<br/> <br/> 6. Can you visit Xat (even if it's for a hour)? <br/> Sorry never heard of XAT. so dont know. Maybe?</t>
  3. Re: Memoire *Full :x Sorry! No more recruiting]* <t>aw mipha... damn it.. are u in this guild? im too late to apply aint i? :(</t>
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