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  1. Hi i would like to ask for a acc check since it seems like one if my mega stone is missing i did the quest a few months or a year already im sure i did it when you released the sceptalite quest and now im doing other mega quest and when i checked my bag i cant find my sceptalite i tried to check my pokemons that holds items aswell and i have never gad a sceptile to use for sceptalite before so i would like to request a acc inspection or something
  2. Wtt both for event komala/event alolan pix/event bagon
  3. Yes i would like to refund one of them
  4. Hi id like to rwport that alolan ninetales im the coin shop the miunt is not obtainable i bougth 2x and i didint recieve one myncoins was deducted but the mount didint appeared in my bag pls fix this atleast give me back my 160coins because i knly bougth it 2x because at first i tougth i didint successfuly bougth one but now im pretty surr i bougth 2 since i calculated the things i bougth my cc was at 390 i bougth valentine lapras mount valenteine halo thingy and thats all so pls give me back my coins
  5. So i cant get back my iv rr :c
  6. Hi there i rerolled my entei a long time ago and i got desame ivs i got the last time i rerolled it exactly desame i think i rerolled my entei furing christmas season and i got a bad stats anyway and then when i rerolled again today i got desame ivs i got before
  7. Bump......
  8. I accidently released my honedge i was planning to clean my pc and i didint notice that i released it but i got my ss
  9. Sure it happened like 5 hrs or less before i report the bug i freak out first cause i tougth i kigth get ban for cheating since some of the items are doubled so i reported it fast and showed it to my friends and i also asked some of the players in game if they are also having the bug but they dont it looks like im the only one who have it so thats all
  10. Hi my acc is experiencing a double bug where some of my items are doubled i dont know which is doubled and which are not but the one i know are doubled are my mega stones and some of my tms like cut and etc here is my pic
  11. My sceptile evooved into a torchic when i got dc
  12. Auction over
  13. 7hrs auction insta 25m
  14. B.o 18m by basicisgood /silver
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