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About Jpezica12

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Jpezica12's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Start Point/Price: 400k End Point: 24h after first bid Min. Raise: 50k Accepted Payment(s): CC 400k each - RR 500k each
  2. im on
  3. im on
  4. im on gible
  5. Start: 40k each pokemon Min raise : 20k each pokemon Auction: will end 24h after 1st bid for each pokemon Accept cc : 400k
  6. im online
  7. wtb a wevile 350k
  8. Start: 200k Minimum raise: 20k 24h after start
  9. current price: 569k for zounclash Minimum increase: 20k Auction ends on 01/29 9.51 AM GMT +0
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