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Everything posted by Delo

  1. Mr.Mime needs a Halloween form as it doesn’t even have one event form. Mr. Mime makes a perfect candidate for a scary clown, and what better Halloween form than Penny Wise from “IT” the film series. It is a strong Pokemon with great stats in special attack, special defense, and a nice speed stat. I believe that a Halloween form can make this Pokemon more used on the battlefield. Mr. Mime can be represented with white clown makeup holding a balloon with the pennywise attire. I have attached an artwork I’ve worked on for possibly the coolest Mr.Mime Halloween form. Mr. Mime is also my favorite Pokemon! Hopefully it can be implemented in PRO *Fingers crossed*
  2. I'll buy gliscor.
  3. S.O. 500k Min bid - 100k ends auction : 48h from 1st bid Accept Coin Capsule 400k ReRoll Ticket 700k Nature RR 350k Pokedollars
  4. Action time over @ 1:17am Eastern Time. Takenwasblank won. I will be in Verm, let me know when you are available or pm Delo.
  5. Noted. 8 hrs and 16 mins left.
  6. Noted
  7. AUCTION Start: 500K Min Raise: 500k 72 Hours after first bid Accept CC: 400k Pokedollar Reroll tickets 750k
  8. SOLD to Commotion1
  9. Action time over, Commotion1 Will receive Shiny Wailord. I will be in Vermilion later today. Let me know when you are available or pm me in game.
  10. 5 hours left
  11. ^Bump
  12. Start offer 2m Min bid 500k accept rr=600k accept cc=400k Time 24 hours after first bid
  13. Start 2.1m and 3cc.
  14. Srry double posted by mistake. Pls delete.
  15. Wts this Pink Whimsicott Start: 1m Instant : 5m Min raise : 500k Time of the auction ends on April 7th At 1:30pm (Central Time)
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