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Posts posted by Magikarpx

  1. What is your IGN?
    What is your discord?
    Tell us a little about yourself.
    Im an amateur artist, im 19 years old and i love pokemon pvp and farming coins
    How many hours do you currently have?
    566 hrs
    Do you know any existing members?
    Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)?
    What are your expectations for this guild?
    An active guild with big goals and motivation to get better at the game
    What You are looking for from the guild?
    Im looking for a pvp team, to participate in tournaments and become recognized in the server
    What other games do you play online?
    PokeMMO, Pokemon Showdown, Minecraft
    What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you?
    My favorite poke is Ditto, i like his face expression and his ability to transform, i love him cuz he doesnt care about anything
    In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild.
    beacuse i want to be part of a good pvp guild and im ready to help the guild to become one of the best guilds of the gold server
    If you're interested in PvP what is your favorite Archetype to use (Ex. HO, Balance, Stall, Weather, etc)?

    I like weather teams (not rain) with balanced wallers and powered sweepers and always with a ditto beacuse its so funny to copy the broken pokes of the enemy



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