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About Mcgabberson599

  • Birthday 07/02/1999

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  1. #1: What is your in-game name? :McGabberson599 #2: What is your age?:19 years old. #3: How many hours out of the day are you on PRO? :4/5 hours due work, in weekends its always the whole day. #4: Do you use Discord? If so, then would you be willing to join our group? If so, what is your name/ID? : McGabberson#3770 #5: What would you think your specialty on PRO is (PvP/Trading/Hunter/etc.)? i'd say hunter as i like to search for rare species. #6: What can you bring to us if you joined? :prolly a lot of help for others, i like to share my thoughts and help other as much as i can, i have 4 hours and 1 badge atm but i know my way around this game because i've played this game before and only got to hoenn before sinnoh was released, i leaved back then and decided to come back for a fresh new start. #7: Is #5 and #6 the same question? questions are questions c:
  2. What is your in game name? McGabberson599 How old are you? I'm 19 years old. How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? currently i have 1 badge and 4 hours in total, reason behind is that i used to play this game when they just released hoenn, after that i quit the game for a while, and decided to come back on a new account To start fresh from. Do you use discord? yeah i use it everyday What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? i like to socialize with the community the most fun part, as sharing my thoughts and helping others as well. i love grinding a lot too mainly for shinies that is but who doesnt? Why would you like to be in team magma? i would like to join to make new friends and help others on the way, also just because this name of the guild makes me almost want to play Pokemon emerald again Thanks in advance <3
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