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Everything posted by Nostalgic

  1. Username: Nostalgic Server: Silver Server Your streamlink: [MEDIA=twitch]academics[/MEDIA] What type of content do you stream: Pokemon, Fortnite, CoD, everything tbh.
  2. Link: [MEDIA=twitch]academics[/MEDIA] Come and chat! Definitely will stream this game a lot!!
  3. I'm up to date on it but I wanted to know if anyone else is watching Boruto right now. The current arc is annoyingly long but give me some opinions!!! The manga is amazing though if you haven't read it.
  4. Decided to go into Photoshop and make a quick Signature picture for this forum, let me know what you think :) I can make some more of these with the same theme (with your character as well) if you want but I charge 40k on RED SERVER ONLY!
  5. welcome to PRO man! That's cool that you're from Bangladesh. I agree that the game is very well made, as well as monitored, by the staff. Hope you have fun on it like i do!
  6. you need to have 250 hours on the game minimum, or somewhere around there :)
  7. I love the community discord, it's organized and has many different channels to talk in. Good job!
  8. My first anime was Your Lie in April, that emotional show started me on an anime rampage.
  9. I make songs using FL Studio, check out my songs if you want and leave some feedback!
  10. gotcha mate and enjoy your time :) click here for the stream Thanks for posting the link :) Streaming again rn! Everyone go check it out again!
  12. Giving away a Shiny Charizard mount, Milotic Surf Mount, and Yellow Bubble Gum. Twitch: YuZeRedBullz (can't post links since I'm a new forum user so just go search it up) Going to be doing more in the future!
  13. Hi, my In-Game-Name is: Nostalgic (I always play on Red server) My YouTube is: OhhGenocide (look it up, it will say Geno) and I used to edit fps gaming montages and do other cool gaming stuff. Now I'm addicted to PRO and I've decided to start making videos on it soon. So I came up with a Top 5 series for the PRO community's PvP plays. I don't know how I'm going to have you guys submit them but my main ways of being contacted are my skype and my twitter DMs. Skype: nazmafzy Twitter: @OhhGenocide (If you have any requests on contacting me, for example, asking me to download an app to send the clip to me, that's fine, just reply to this) MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE CLIP RECORDED AND MAKE SURE IT'S PvP ONLY! I will be checking and I will be ranking them from 5 to 1. Be sure to reply to this topic if you have any other concerns or just contact me at the places I provided above. I'm really hoping you guys enjoy the series! I'm also starting to stream PRO a lot on my Twitch: YuZeRedBullz
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