thanks for the awesome guide, it really helped me a lot. i just noticed, that the strategy against Raikou Guardian isnt working anymore. Zekrom is killing Shedinja instantly.
#1: What is your in-game name? SgtKoty
#2: What is your age? 25
#3: What is your Discord ID? Sgt Koty#5877
#4: How many hours do play PRO each day? about 2 hours in the week and over 6 hours in the weekend
#5: What are your total number of hours in PRO? 218 hours
#6: How many badges have you collected? all 32
#7: What would you think your specialty on PRO is (PvP/Trading/Hunter/etc.)? my specialty is farming and trading
#8: What can you bring to us if you joined? a very active member with great knowledge about the game, who is good for a laugh :D