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Everything posted by Aprhodit3

  1. sold insta ingame ..
  2. S.O lowered to 6M
  3. - S.O 6M Insta 9M - Accepting Pokedollars/Cc 250k each as payment - 250k minimum bid to make an offer - No Trades/ S.O Fix / Fake offers wll be reported - After receiving the initial offer, the auction will last 3 days "after checking the offer" - i reserve my rights to cancel the sale if i'm not satisfied w/ the offer, ty and respect post - Contact me ingame @ Aprhodit3 - Discord @Aphrodit3 #9518 - Happy bidding goodluck ;)
  4. add me in game, or in discord Aphrodit3#9518, need to ev some of my poke.. ty
  5. i'll start
  6. Please close this thread, i am going to cancel the sale
  7. TIER 10 shiny non catchable only in boss/bcc Unique, only few have it .. - Accept coin capsule as payment, fixed amount of 200k - No Trades - After receiving the initial offer the auction will last 3 days(after I check the offer) - Minimum 300k+ bid required to make an offer - Only offer if you are really willing to wait for the end of it(no cancel bid after you offered unless i accept for that) - Fake offers will be reported - I reserve my rights to cancel the sale if i'm not satisfied w/ the bid S.O. 8M Fixed, no insta for now . Happy bidding, PS: Respect post
  8. i'll bid 300k for Skarmory. PM me ingame if i win
  9. - S.0 800K insta 1.8M - Accepting Pokedollars/Cc as payment - 100k bid is required to make an offer - After receiving the initial offer the auction will last 2 days(after I check the offer) - I reserve my rights to cancel the sale if i'm not satisfied w/ the offer - Discord: Eyescream#9518
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