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Everything posted by Pyolo

  1. Congrats riyubas453 u started and ended it like a boss
  2. Auction ends in 2days 14hrs from now (GMT+8)
  3. ends in 3 days 3 hours 46 minutes
  4. C.O 20m by riyubas453
  5. S.O : 20m Min bid: 2m insta: 85m Server: Silver(you are responsible to pick it up if you are from Gold) Payment Method: -Pokedollar -CC: 400k -IV reroll : 750k Time: Ends in 5 days after the first bid (Gmt+8) C.O 35m by Riyubas453 discord: T|me W € Á V E R#8483
  6. (Sorry for my terrible english) It started on Haunted sites, I thought he's just afk there and he also has no name on top of his avatar. I didn't mind that until I left that excavation site , I saw him again at cave near Verdanturf, at verdanturf town, and stop house..he just keeps appearing wherever I go ..I pm him and he said that he's just in Verdanturf pc (I edit the link cause it doesn't show the full clip) Heres the link: https://youtu.be/CfnosdJrBL4 Just skip the boring part xD
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