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Everything posted by Derwins

  1. It is done. Come again! From Kanto starter to defeating Cynthia. Shiny Pokemon found: 0 Bad RNG count: 7 Yorkie: Diglett's Cave Transmat: Petalburg, Fortree, Ever Grande Starter RNG: True From Kanto starter (they were at Pewter City) to defeating Erika. This is for their other account in Silver Server. Bad RNG count: 4 Heracross: No
  2. It is done. Come again! From completing Sinnoh and unlocking Subway + Transmat. Bad RNG count: 3 Yorkie: Diglett's Cave Transmat: Slateport, Fortree, Ever Grande Starter RNG: False
  3. A problem has occurred while initiating the services for @SNGisPlaying. Hopefully that problem will be fixed soon. Until then, the queue is now empty.
  4. Finished. Come again! Shiny Pokemon found: 0 Bad RNG count: 2 Starter RNG: False
  5. Finished for Abcboy, for two accounts, from Kanto starter to defeating Elite Four of Kanto. Shiny Pokemon found: 0 Yorkie: Power Plant Bad RNG count: 3 Finished for Abcboy, for main, from Sinnoh. Shiny Pokemon found: 0 Bad RNG count: 1 Starter RNG: True
  6. Finished for Aayushsth984, from Kanto starter (though they were stuck at Erika at the time) to defeating Cynthia. The subway and transmat was included for free as they were my first customer. Shiny Pokemon found: 1 Yorkie: Saffron Mart Transmat: Odale, Verdanturf, Sootopolis Bad RNG count: 0
  7. Status: CLOSED (for now) Free Transfer usage (to complete services on Silver): On hold Activity hours: 13:00 to 02:00 (CST -06:00) I am definitely not available on Saturday or Sunday unless specified. Service for any other server outside Gold and Silver is currently not possible. Please do not ask for this. Hello! I sell story services from time to time. The prices are as follows (as of October 29th, 2022). Starting from choosing your Kanto starter to defeating Erika (unlocks trading) --> 250k Unlocking Subway and Transmat --> 250k Clearing a whole region --> 400k (or a coin capsule) Starting from choosing your Kanto starter to defeating Cynthia --> 1.6m (or 4 coin capsules) I unfortunately cannot accept reserves (pay later) when I am finished with services as it infringes the trade rules. How does this service work? After I receive payment (half and half is okay too), I must access your account in order to complete whatever you wish. I do these in about two to four intervals of play-time, which will take about one day to three days depending on my activity. If I do it faster than that, it just means I have nothing else to do. When doing these services, I will contact you about things that happen along the way, including when I am finished with a region and the like. After I finish the service (only for completing regions), I will leave your character in the Vermilion Pokemon Center unless requested to stop somewhere else. I will also handle the Rattata needed to unlock Hoenn and the Charon battle to unlock Sinnoh. All Pokemon caught will be kept in your account - including shiny and costumes I "accidentally" find along the way - but I will try my best to Repel for the most part. All payments will be logged here for my convenience. You can contact me in the Raiders server, which is located here. You'll know considering my in-game name is derwins, the same name reflects my Discord server nickname. I cannot publicly disclose my Discord name here for privacy reasons. Queue: (empty) (empty) (empty) If you want to check the progress of your account, input the command /inspect (name) . If the inspect window pops open, I am online and is working on completing the service(s). Disclaimer: While it's good that people do certain services for cheaper prices than me, you have to remember the integrity and transparency of the person serving you. Everyone has different skills of doing these services whether it may be faster completion or more efficiently (eg always completing it in a set amount of days). But we're all getting it done one way or another.
  8. The trainer just gives it to you after completing the game. I know - I played this game. The Togepi is not shadow in any way.
  9. As seen above, I was wanting to give my Togepi this move. I am unable to. You can obtain a Togepi containing this move, by a trainer, specifically in Gen 3 Gale of Darkness. A very close friend of mine has been using Togekiss with this move ever since and they believe it is a really viable move combined with Serene Grace. They call it the "godly" version of Body Slam. My pal @dotarice previously reported this as a bug on my behalf years ago. I want to personally bring this suggestion of giving the Togepi family this move this time. Hopefully it can be implemented in the forseeable future.
  10. Upon starting Hoenn region, you are supposed to select your starter and help Birch fend off a wild Poochyena. There is a batch of text when entering the lab. You're free to move afterwards. The problem is that there's nothing stopping you (outside said text) from exiting the lab before and after choosing your starter. I will see if this breaks anything in the future. This is just one of the many bugs me and @dotarice discovered.
  11. When a Transformed Pokemon uses Dig / Bounce / Fly, it reverts back to its original form keeping the target's moveset. Considering that this was reported before, it does not look like it was tested further than just Substitute. This is just one of the many bugs I found (alongside my friend @dotarice).
  12. I honestly would love to go through the entire scripting and apply all of the grammar and spelling fixes myself.
  13. I normally do not post here so I apologize in advance. I am mainly sharing what I found in which I shared in the past via a Discord server.
  14. I normally do not post here so I apologize in advance. I am mainly sharing what I found in which I shared in the past via a Discord server.
  15. I normally do not post here so I apologize in advance. I am mainly sharing what I found in which I shared in the past via a Discord server.
  16. I normally do not post here so I apologize in advance. I am mainly sharing what I found in which I shared in the past via a Discord server.
  17. I normally do not post here so I apologize in advance. I am mainly sharing what I found in which I shared in the past via a Discord server.
  18. I normally do not post here so I apologize in advance. I am mainly sharing what I found in which I shared in the past via a Discord server.
  19. I normally do not post here so I apologize in advance. I am mainly sharing what I found in which I shared in the past via a Discord server.
  20. I normally do not post here so I apologize in advance. I am mainly sharing what I found in which I shared in the past via a Discord server.
  21. I normally do not post here so I apologize in advance. I am mainly sharing what I found in which I shared in the past via a Discord server.
  22. I normally do not post here so I apologize in advance. I am mainly sharing what I found in which I shared in the past via a Discord server.
  23. I normally do not post here so I apologize in advance. I am mainly sharing what I found in which I shared in the past via a Discord server.
  24. I normally do not post here so I apologize in advance. I am mainly sharing what I found in which I shared in the past via a Discord server.
  25. I normally do not post here so I apologize in advance. I am mainly sharing what I found in which I shared in the past via a Discord server.
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