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Everything posted by Iliveforyou

  1. start dhelmise, marowak-alolan, scizor
  2. Starting Price: 500k Minimum Raise: 100k Instant Price: insta will be added after 12hrs after first bid Duration: 24 hrs after first bid Available payments: Pokedollars CC 400k IV reroll 600k Nature reroll 300k good luck thank you!
  3. Thank you sir
  4. Hi! I was wondering is friendship and happiness the same? Because my azurill cant evolve he has happiness 243 and now lvl 31. It says in the guide 220+ to evolve .Why cant i evolve it?
  5. Hello guys. i just wanna know can I play both silver and gold in 1 account? I just wanna confirm it. Thanks for the reply
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