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Everything posted by Newtscamander3

  1. IGN : NewtScamander3 Discord Tag: Newt#6494 Server: Silver Story: "Open Window" It was year 1998 when I was born, my mother always told me that I am very close to creatures of darkness or ghosts. My father will just laugh because according to him, we are living in a modern days and believing to ghosts nowadays is a big joke. Few months have passed when I was born where a terrifying experienced happened to my father. It was night and full moon, because of the weather, my father decided to open the window while we are sleeping. Our rooms are small and only two person would fit in our bed. It was already ten oclock in the evening when my father decided to sleep because he have many works to finished while me and my mother already asleep. But it was not even an hour passed when my father suddenly woke up He watched us if me and my mother are okay. According to him, he felt that someone is watching over us. My father decided to sleep again but accidentally he watched the open window. There he see a shadow of a dark purple with roundish body. It has red eyes and a wide mouth smiling and staring on me. My father went to the mysterious creature but suddenly it vanished. Then, my father thought it was GENGAR and planning to get me. Since then, my father always close our window every night. Fin
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