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Posts posted by J123b

  1. ign: J123b

    server: gold

    description: delevel from 99 to 98


    pokemon id: 25864389


    lets try again, for a 2nd time in a row, dratini didnt evolve upon leveling up from 98 to 99


    Dratini has been deleveled again - Travok
  2. Im requesting for my friend Bill2, he's banned from posting on forum



    Gold server

    Player name: Bill2

    Delevel to level 98 (he need to evolve 2 stages)

    Id in picture





    Notify him his gible has been deleveled to level 98, have a great day - Nezuko [/Quote]
  3. If you're experienced in PRO, you probably know that if you run from a battle after using an ability changing move or ability then the new ability stays as the visual one for a intermediate duration afterwards.


    In most cases trying to make a pokemon's ability appear as another wont be feasible or beneficial to trick you, as pokemon with trace ability usually have very rare exotic other abilities that they can get, it will be hard to mimic another possible ability of its species from another wild pokemon. In some cases trace is the best ability so it wont matter anyways.


    But there is one case I can see someone possibly scamming out of the bug. Lets say you have an epic Alakazam with synchronize or inner focus. Just go encounter a clefairy with magic guard, role play and run.


    Your Alakazam will now appear to have magic guard, its best possible ability which also adds an insane amount of value compared to its other 2 abilities. Make a fast trade and then cut the conversation, if you're lucky they wont remember your name and you get away with it.


    IMO this is enough reason to change the system as it is in its current state.


    I love this bug and i use it for a lot of fun, but its not worth someone getting scammed for it.





    If you're buying a magic guard alakazam.

    1. Ask to pay the seller 2k and ask him to teach alakazam role play.

    2. Tell him to go encounter a wild pokemon, role play and run from the battle.

    3. Ask him to show you the alakazam. He should appear as if he has a random ability.

    4. Ask the seller to relog and show you the alakazam immediately after he relogged.

    5. If alakazam shows magic guard, then seller is legit, if its not then he is a scammer.

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