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  1. Added current offers, will end tonight
  2. Hello, I have these pokemons for sale, will add instabuy later If I have some offers. You can also PM me ingame (Roksta2) Thank you Krookodile c/o : 140k Insta: 215k c/o : NA Insta: N/A c/o : NA Insta: N/A c/o : NA Insta: N/A
  3. You said you donated 30-40 USD, just sell a Membership and buy a good lvl 100 poke? Otherwise go catch pokemons that counter the E4 and level them at Victory Road. It's doable
  4. Hi, trying to get to Trainer's valley but it requires 120 Kanto Pokemons. What I was wondering is, do I need 120 First gen pokemons (even if I caught them in Jhoto)? Or 120 pokemons catched in Kanto?
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