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Fogy last won the day on July 4 2019

Fogy had the most liked content!

Fogy's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. bump
  2. s.o. lowered - bump
  3. bump
  4. Hello, I want to auction my kabutops. (see below) RULES: Starting price: 1m Ending point: 48 hours after first bid Insta Price: not yet Available payments: Pokedollars and CC=300k Minimum raise: 100k GL HF trainers
  5. start
  6. Hi, not sure if its a bug, but the same is happening to me. Idk if theres anything I have to do before this part tho.
  7. I feel bad as I shouldnt be allowed to post anything other than - Saying it was traded/Trying to set up a location/time for the trade But in case there is someone who wants to see how our story continue: *grabs popcorn*
  8. He just behives improperly and trying to milk more money. It was his auction and his rules that were followed until the very end of this auction. I can get over the part of calling me a scammer, it is fine. EDIT: Just wanted to say that I am honestly very surprised and pleased with the level of profesionality and quickness of staffs in this game. (Judging not only based on this case)
  9. There is nothing more to discuss. I think everything was already clarified. I PMed you about the game meeting to do the trade. Thank you.
  10. Thank you Larfleeze for clarification.
  11. You started saying about server issues after the auction was already closed. - The ending point of your auction is clear since the beggining of the auction (48 after first bid). My bid has been made on 2nd of July 4:18pm GMT time. So today - 4th of July 4:18pm GMT time was the clear ending point that has been met with me betting the last. As I said many times, everything was done regarding to your rules of your auction.
  12. The rules of your auction were set up here on forum and were set up correctly and clear. According to them there was a clear ending point that was met 1 hour and 25 mins ago.
  13. Your connection issues does not matter mate. 1)This is auction that runs on forum so it does not matter wheter you can connect to the game or not. 2)Even if you could not log in in the game and it was relevant it is irelevant as there is no auction anymore as it has ended an hour+ ago. Your auction ended completely right regarding to your rules you set up before the auction.
  14. The auction is over for 1 hour and 15mins right now.
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