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  1. well the dev clearly didn't read the thread based on his reply and the speed in which he made his response, literally 1-2 minutes after i pmed him. CJLJ and many others made some great posts detailing exactly what is wrong with the XP system. but still no real reply, explaining if this was intended or not.
  2. lol . . . I don't need to say anything because there is already 10 pages of 'evidence' which i asked the man to read. this child hurting my brain
  3. what are you even talking about, your english is so broken, the thread is filled with people providing feedback as to why it is bad game design. As i mentioned previously, players who want to keep this method in the game, are the people who are currently 'abusing' it to get easy level 100s. (such as yourself). i suggest you take your own advice, on thinking logically, and read through this thread. Say you are playing any other MMO. and you are raising a skill. with the click of a button. you are suddenly levelling the skill 3x slower. And say this skill is a way to make money. In essence you are making money 3x slower. as opposed to a player who did not click this button. so yes it is punishing players for evolving pokemon at their evolution milestones. Anyway i wont be posting anymore, As i don't want to saturate this thread with arguments, Devs are typically logical thinking people, and sometimes just need feedback/insight to take things further. whether or not they want to handle this 'issue' is up to them. :thanks:
  4. not when you post things like this. regardless i hope a dev will use the feedback here in this thread. im certain they will come to a similar conclusion and decide if they want to do anything about it.
  5. i think it's pretty obvious a player shouldn't be punished by 3x more experience just because they clicked 1 button to evolve their pokemon. but it seems certain people have a hard time understanding this. this 'mechanic' just seems like a loophole in that experience group system.
  6. Who forces u to keep bulbasaur in lv98? You can evolute whatever u want dude :Cry: yes i have to keep it like this or spend 3x longer to train my pokemon to that level and got this reply in another thread, This is just too common. to get such a reply from some one who is supposed to have knowledge of communities. If you have played any other MMO/game. whenever a change happens, the people who dislike the change are the people who have already gone through the existing method/mechanic, and don't want it to change because they want every other player to do the same method that they spent their time doing. The only reason i see this mechanic existing is to delay the casual player who doesn't do their research into this stuff. i'm already using this 'method'. and all it does is defeat the purpose of evolution milestones.
  7. hi to regarding this thread: pokemonrevolution.net/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=18683 i wish to know why i am not allowed to evolve pokemons. why i made to play with same pokemon till lvl 98/99? i wish to know how it is valid gameplay mechanic. understand delay for certain moveset, but why is triple XP nerf to players who want to play game normally with evolving pokemons? part of fun of this game is to see your pokemon progressing with evolution.... no? why is all level 1-100 pokemons not required same experience to level? maybe this design feature not intended? and is being 'exploited' by playerbase? love this game, but hate to see such unfriendly/stale mechanic exists which punish players for evolving their pokemons :confused:
  8. why would such a system exist....... i must stick with my bulbasaur untill level 98?....... no fun in that
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