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Everything posted by Inquire

  1. I know the trash can items are considered hidden, but it is more of the prospect of people not considering that there would be items in them. I feel like people will just accept the notion that the programmers in the game just made trash cans purely a vanity decoration if they get no reaction to them. Also, I haven't encountered an itemfinder (if it is in the game) to actively track down the items so having some visual sprite to hint the player base wouldn't hurt.
  2. So, in the main pokemon games, they have trash cans that could have items in them (most of the time, they don't). In PRO, when players first see trash cans (iirc, you can see them when you go into your rival's house), it is not able to be interacted with. When attentive players notice this, they will assume that all trash cans will not have anything in them. However, you do find some trash cans that can have stuff inside such as when in the kitchen of SS Anne. Likewise, there are some instances of trash cans that can be interacted with that have nothing valuable. Now, there are some solutions for this. The first is what the topic title states and just make all trash cans become interactable. Another solution that could be done if the developers didn't want to code every trash can would be to develop a different sprite for trash cans that can be interacted with (or two sprites with having a trash can being full and empty). This isn't really much of a priority or an issue per se, but it is some sort of irk that people could have with the game and it would make PRO be more like the main pokemon games by looking at tiny details.
  3. I'm probably going to switch to Blue since the initial wave of people will be sort of on the same playing field. In Red, it feels like people will either be at the end game or just starting (<4 badges in). I know now to start with squirtle since the game gives you plenty of decent grass pokemon early on (although the bulba I have is kinda above average).
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